Search Results
Sven Buder: Detailed classification of stars with machine learning
Using Machine Learning to Classify Stars
Machine Learning Method for Star Identification
Sven Buder • Chemical Tagging and Chrono-Chemodynamics of accreted stars in GALAH
ASTRO 3D Virtual Science Meeting June 2020 GALAH DR 3 _ 3
Pulse star dataset classification using machine learning techniques
Deep Learning for Star Galaxy Classification
ASTRO 3D 2023 Science Meeting Luka Mijnarends
Thursday parallel session 4-5:30pm at the AGM 2021 of the Astronomical Society of Australia
Friday parallel from 4 - 5:30 pm at the ASM 2021 of the Astronomical Society of Australia
Jeffrey Simpson • The Milky Way is not special: accreted stars also inhabit the Spite Plateau
Leviathans of the universe - Classification of stars part 3: Giants and Supergiants